The establishment could be characterized by snug seating and an open kitchen. Amidst our wait came a nudge from my ever-sarcastic dining partner: by the drink refrigerator was an ATM machine, an indication that Alexandros may possibly operate on a cash-only basis. Much to my relief, this was not the case.
We parted ways after a whiff of Rose Prick's old lady perfume profile (Sorry Jinyoung!) and a Filet-O-Fish devoid of lettuce but accompanied by a wrongful ninety-cent upcharge.
A dozen mini rounds had been purchased in order to secure such packaging. It was, admittedly, quite the hefty number to stomach at first glance, however the portion sizes were smaller than the average cookie, weighing in approximately one-third of The Night Baker's volume.
- Ménage à Trois: A scandalously named specimen that brought about the greatest amount of joy, this one was on the sweeter side with satisfying chunks of milk, dark, and white chocolate.
- Caramelt, Bling Bling Salted Caramel: Crispier than they were sticky, the caramel-centric concoctions contained a similar degree of sweetness as the chocoatey renditions without being cloying.
- Very Berry, Lemon Delight, Oatmeal Raisin: Interestingly enough, the fruit-bearing rounds were heavier in granulated sugar than the others, making for less-than-ideal experiences.
A rigid Matcha Mochi Waffle and Matcha Mousse had also made their way over from the North York flagship.
The former was a rather rigid snack with tiny bites of mochi, while the latter a ridiculously silky round embodying utmost grassiness. At its base was a sturdy chocolate biscuit layer - seemingly 70% solid chocolate with finishing touches of consolidated chocolate wafer.