Following consumption of a delicious Nitro Stout from Cowbell Brewing Co., I was suddenly met with a desire to relive LUNA's Mugwort-Injeolmi Rice Cake bites. The impromptu creation started with a 1:1 volume ratio of glutinous rice flour and water, which was modified to include mugwort powder as follows:
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/3 cup glutinous rice flour
- 1/4 cup mugwort powder
Every now and then, I'm overcome with an urge for Chocolate Chip Muffins. Tim Hortons usually succeeded in scratching that itch, for locations are prevalent, the mobile app is convenient, the product is often stocked, and the cost is reasonable. However, since their formula was revised to exclude coarse sugar and feature a surface exclusively bearing ominous-looking chocolate spikes, undertaking the crafting venture was deemed exceedingly more appropriate.
It was also noted that, by omitting the fermented milk product and swapping cocoa powder for plain flour, there would be no acid to react with the baking soda. I further wanted to ensure that the batter could be chilled without repercussions if not baking immediately, for one cannot do the same with batters containing baking soda.
The modified ingredient list was as follows:
- 2 eggs
- 94 g granulated sugar
- 100 g oil
- 175 g cake flour, sifted
- 1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste * opt
- 1 tsp vanilla extract *
- 4 g baking powder (2 tsp)
- 100 g milk
- 94 g mini chocolate chips
- turbinado sugar (for sprinkling on top)