It was actually quite a stupid little trip: my friend said he'd take me to bubble tea during one of my breaks. And the plan was to bus downtown.
Well, he CLEARLY didn't know his way around though. First off, it was winter, and he decided that we should walk towards the bus stop off-campus to catch the bus that was going to take us downtown. After arriving at the bus stop (and nearly freezing our fingers off in the process), he realized that he didn't know which bus to take.
Nor did he know which side of the road we should have been standing on.
So okay, you say you're going to take me down and don't conduct any research prior to that. Well, that was a well thought-out plan wasn't it?
And what happens next you may ask? He goes up to one the buses and asks the bus driver if it will take us to XX stop. To our delight, she replies with a pleasant "Sure does!".
Two minutes after getting on the bus, we realize that the bus actually goes BACK INTO CAMPUS to pickup students before going downtown. <insert facepalm here>