But present-day me can no longer echo the strong opinion. I'm tired, derelict of rest, and burdened with far too many tasks to tackle in a humanly possible time frame. For every concert I'd choose to skip, I'd be conserving funds, relieving myself of the treacherous commute, and restoring time for completing chores and errands. And, as an added perk of declining GA shows, I'd no longer suffer from feet, shoulder, and back pain afterwards.
Horrendous rush hour traffic posed another hurdle. With a high likelihood of missing the train, I opted to swerve into the closest plaza for an early dinner (and indoor plumbing facilities instead).
Coca-Cola Coliseum was a brief walk from the transit stop - and covered for the most part. Much to my relief, temperatures had returned to seasonal conditions: high teens with plenty of sun and breeze. Nevertheless, my concert attire would comprise of full-length pants (for I am neither a fan of rashes nor fellow transit riders brushing against bare knees) and a fleece-lined hoodie to combat venue and GO train A/C.