Before the lights dimmed, I had struggled to form words for correspondence with the Thai ahgase, ultimately surrendering to irrefutable fatigue
Slightly overcast yet nonetheless sunny, I drifted towards Kam Do for breakfast.
Two members of service staff floated about the floor: a man likely in his late twenties or early thirties and an older lady sporting a brown bob. Shortly after delivering laminated menus, along with water in a tall glass bottle for self service, the man acknowledged my raised hand and plodded over to relay a peculiar message: "I cannot take your order, so you will need to wait." We responded by nodding, though remained utterly confused at the declaration. The man was observed to continue to serve the other tables, making multiple trips to and from the kitchen.
Another tedious wait ensued after order placement. When the items finally arrived, we gazed upon them enthusiastically, for not only were we ravenous, but also impatient given the next item on the itinerary.
The Thai ahgase had initially commented her picnic-sized sandwich to be decent, though quickly retracted her declaration: the cuts used within the sandwich were hardly uniform throughout.
The portion of rice beneath it was incredibly salty. A glutinous variety seasoned in advance of assembly, we deemed it passable, but could not continue consumption without request of a salad.
Aki's Salad emerged as the highlight of the meal. Served with a well-textured, pulpy dressing with traces of yuzu, the compilation of mixed greens, pickled carrots and beets, and even bitter Swiss chard was innovative and revitalizing.
The eatery would shutter at 3 PM in order to prepare for dinner service.
"People here get off on time, and even early!" noted the Thai ahgase. The man who had relieved himself of order-taking duties was spotted jacket donned, backpack slung over shoulder, and waving farewell to his coworker at the 2:50 PM mark.
On the way back, we passed the dreadful intersection of East Hastings and Main again. The Thai ahgase shuddered silently, and we vowed to make no further visits during her stay.