Dreariness and dull grey over my head, I readied myself for pilates, shimmying into the hoodie of the sleepy polar bear I had hurriedly demanded to combat the chilly return ride of the evening prior. Much to my excitement, the warmup series would incorporate the Bosu ball once again: 40 counts of walking, then 20 counts of running with an immediate swap to the other starting leg. Side leg lifts, oblique crunches, and genie twists for the transverse abs sealed off the Bosu section.
- Single leg toe touches from the tabletop position
- Double leg toe touches from tabletop position (required checking of foam roller position)
- Double leg lifts - as far as could be maintained but not all the way (blogilates-style) since form was not to be compromised
- Extend the top leg in "one long line", then return to the starting position
- Keeping the top leg extended, bring the leg in front of the body while maintaining the neutral pelvis, then return to the lifted "one long line" position
- With the upper foot in a turnout position, raise the leg up towards the ceiling, then bring it back down to the body (adduction) for engagement of the inner thighs
Modifying the routine to engage the upper body, the top hand was threaded through the tension strap. The starting position involved the upper arm extended at shoulder height, perpendicular to the body. Exhaling, the strap would be pulled towards the hip (adduction), then back to shoulder height. Notable shakiness was witnessed in the dominant right arm, even more so than the left. Weakness in the right wrist and shoulder were not unexpected due to my recent lack of diligence in stretching and resistance band usage, though I did find it peculiar that the left side showed greater stability. Tenderness in the triceps, chest, and shoulder was then felt for the subsequent four days.
With the Reformer Box in the Short Box position angled over foot bar, such that the long edge was elevated slightly, and feet placed atop shoulder rests, bridges were conducted at low spring levels. The exercise was a true testament of body control. We would then push out the Carriage while in bridge position and retract, isolating the hamstrings while engaging the largest glute muscles.
Side stretches in mermaid position were then executed on both sides, facing perpendicular from the Carriage, followed by a standing hamstring stretch (pedalling the feet) and slow-and-steady rolldown to finish.
I was reminded of a modification made aware to the sleepy polar on a site visit: an Iced Capp with Chocolate Milk. Resist did I not, but enjoy did I neither. The purchase was swiftly made, granting a sip of insane sugariness amidst barely perceivable notes of coffee. I lifted the paper straw just enough to catch the topmost section of the drink, allowing the stickiest, densest parts to fall to the bottom. Eventually, I could withstand the sweetness-induced headaches no longer, forfeiting the monstrosity to the instigator.
Nerf Challenge, a member of the GYGO! (Get Your Game On!) group, revealed itself a colourful space bustling with families with young children and a plethora of Nerf guns for redemption. I had attempted to sign the e-waiver in advance of our visit, though quickly realized it would be easier to complete the process in person in the absence of a Reservation Code, which was assigned for group bookings/birthday parties only.
The course operated in a duel format, with each participant starting the timer with the press of a buzzer. Through a plastic tube we would travel, next propelling ourselves onto monkey bars, then dangling ropes, and, lastly, a netted wall. In my head, my speed appeared slower than in reality. I desired quick navigation and zealously dove into the plastic tube, earning myself a scraped elbow with the first game of the day. The course wasn't overly difficult, as it had been intended for kids, though participants with longer limbs have the benefit of swinging from one platform to another.
Towards the end of our stay, we attempted life-sided foosball. With only one member on each team though, it was incredibly difficult to protect the goal while moving linearly. It was concluded that the game be more enjoyable when played with full teams of six.
Arcade games such as whack-a- ̶m̶o̶l̶e̶ zombie were also made available for 10 credits. They were situated beside the former rest area, allowing tired parents to try their hand at low-intensity coordination. Some games were boarded off during our visit, with more attractions promised in the upcoming months.
Nerf Challenge was a kid-friendly space intended to hone one's aim and hand-eye coordination through various shooting and athletic courses. Beyond shooting games though, I must admit that there wasn't too much variety.
At the BeaverTails stall immediately outside the establishment, we found a pick-me-up in the form of the classic Killaloe Sunrise. Thinner, dryer, and less lemony than I recalled, we braved the cinnamon sugar shower while exchanging quick recounts of recent happenings.