Alas, a whopping twenty-two weeks into the work-from-home situation, I have succeeded in devising a food storage freezer plan. In addition to a sustainable system of sustenance supply, I have scavenged the World Wide Web for reliable dinner concepts, including a reputable recipe for pizza.
Best enjoyed alongside crispy, cheesy 'zzas are solid red ales such as the highly patriotic Laker Red or invigorating Kirin First Press.
1) Lemon Shortbread Cookies
They were, admittedly, quite tasty, albeit the absence of crunch customarily associated with similar-looking sugar cookies.
Although the name can sound off-putting to those unacquainted with the ingredient, fermented bean curd works in a near identical fashion to Japanese miso or Korean doenjang. It is, simply put, a Chinese take on soy beans and umami.