Few vacation days were taken for the previous month, though I had made vast efforts to ensure that I would be engaged with exploration for the periods where I was not occupied with work. Hence, the brief pockets of leisure time that followed my excursions were made quite agonizing as a constant race to finalize backlog within a timely manner.
Consequentially, I've made laborious struggles to suppress desires to venture about the GTA and halt any intense adventures until my mind recovers from overexertion.
Of course, casual trips within the vicinity have been made on several occasions because, in reality, there's no way I could remain still at home with beaming weather out my window.
Apple Pie Crisp from Scoops has finally been obtained!! Several weeks ago, I had already been dreaming of the cinnamon-laced deliciousness; on a much warmer day, I proposed the trip to my favourite fangirl, who was on board with the idea despite the sudden gusts that slapped us in the face as we made our across Lakeshore.
3) Peace Collective is opening in Square One?! Looks like there won't be a need to venture out to Ossington nor Yorkdale for this month's CONCEPT pop-up.
4) True 아가새s are capable of making the relation between anything bird-themed or chartreuse green-hued with their all-time favourite K-Pop group.
Besides de la terre, the only bakery able to meet my persistent demands for crispy, flavourful croissants is COBS. In addition to securing a Chocolate Croissant and Traditional Croissant (for sandwich-compiling purposes), I was also persuaded into testing out the Raspberry & Custard Teatime.
The incredibly indulgent pastry is meant to be shared amongst family and friends, and, as the name suggests, with tea or coffee. By itself, the rotisserie chicken-sized twisted creation pairs wonderfully with cold brew as a sweet mid-morning treat; though COBS also suggests pairing it with ice cream to enhance the gooeyness of the chocolate icing and soft tartness of raspberries. Either way, the item was stellar.
Its recommended consumption period is between 1 to 3 days, though I personally already found staleness by the conclusion of the first day. (But trust me, this treat won't last long anyway!)
The taste is similar to that of UCC circa 2010 - a milkier, sweeter rendition of iced coffee that's undoubtedly excessively processed before sale. Sugariness aside, the version is likely my favourite amongst the three I've tasted.
8) After months of doubt regarding Starbuck's tri-colour matcha and espresso beverage launch in Singapore, I finally persuaded myself to take the dive. Personally, I found the combination quite peculiar, but also unexpectedly pleasant. One need be a fan of both caffeinated components to fully embrace this beverage, as the first sip can come across a tad overwhelming for non-addicts.
The next step would be nailing the distinctive, layered presentation...
11) Sharetea has made its way to the west side of the GTA, meaning that I no longer need to rely on the Dundas/Church and First Markham Place location to enjoy an alternative to CoCo.
That being said, my first visit was less than exemplary with sticky menus, tacky cups, dusty bathroom sinks, and slow processing times for orders. The BOGO promotion could not be entered into the computer system, so all price adjustments and second order requests were to be completed manually. Calculating the exact price of the drink duo following the discount was also made more difficult as the deductions could not be seen from the customers' point of view.
< Pictured below: Milk Tea Ice Blended w/ Mini Pearls and Pudding, Matcha Red Bean Ice Blended w/ Tapioca >
Despite the scandals and corrupt rumours circulating the program, Produce 101 S2 is still very much on my watch list - I cannot emphasize the impact that Kang Daniel and last week's Concept Evaluation songs have caused to my everyday routine! (ochungg will be capable of relaying my obsession with his adorable cat-like demeanour and killer stage presence. Hehe.)
14) Americano + Hoddeok for a breakfast of perfectly balanced bitter-sweet proportions
15) Iced Lattes to start the day