Behold the results of several days of experimentation!
Several vain attempts later, I reluctantly admitted defeat. We strolled the area until dinnertime.
Lighting was dingy and impossibly yellow. A plethora of holiday decorations, two television monitors, and red highlights succeeded in relieving the interior from an excessive amount of tawniness. However, this wasn't enough to compensate the extremely close proximity of, well, everything.
Steps had been listed to assist customers in arriving at a decision, with "Step 1" being "Relax! You're in a happy place!" Persobally I found this quite amusing, though this wad essentially the extent of my amusement. Prices varied based off of pizza type (flat or deep-dish) as well as the number of toppings; additionally, toppings were classified into "Basic", "Regular", or "Premium" grades, each of which were charged individually.
Had it not been for my dining partner-in-crime, it is highly probable that I would have remained in front of the menu board for another solid ten minutes, gradually soaking up the putrid smell of grease in the meantime.
Our Baby-sized Chicken Hawaiian totalled a whopping $18.80 - a number I had never, ever, even grazed when ordering fast food. Taking into account the lack of seating, nonexistent dining atmosphere, and sheer absence of air cicrulation and breathing space, I wasn't quite sure what exactly I was forking over such a grand amount for.
In short, the equation made for a nightmare for extreme claustrophobia.
For a location that primarily focuses on takeout orders, Mickey's is far from attaining a level of efficiency appropriate for its client base. Majority of the staff members are courteous, but once again, lacking in swiftness.
We sliced into the deep-dish pizza upon arriving home. Crispy edges, which were suprisingly thinner than expected, lined a wonderfully thick layer of cheesy goodness sandwiched between pulpy tomato sauce; the remaineder was topped with bits of bacon, a spoonful of diced pineapples (likely canned) and a few morsels of chicken breast.
Candidly speaking, the Chicken Hawaiian was an impressive take on standard North American comfort food. Taste-wise, it was thoroughly enjoyable.
Mickey's Pizza made for a unique dining occurrence, but one that is only capable of warranting a single visit.