But what happens when you try to transcribe those flavours to a completely different format? Pizza buns from Asian bakeries such as Akko, Fauchon, and Bakery Nakamura have long made their debut into the scene, but a more recent addition to the snack world is Toast Delight's Pizza Egg Waffle.
My to-do list hadn't been completed even by the end of the strenuous 9-day "Fall Break", but sanity levels would have failed to sustain threshold if I hadn't opted to leave my house and enjoy the very last day of (supposed) liberation.
A last-minute get-together was planned within a record period of time; the route began at Toast Delight for lunch.
Toast Delight remains to be a hole-in-the-wall, but have invested in a series of upgrades to heighten overall interest. Ice cream and egg waffle pairings are now available, though I found majority of the flavours to be excruciatingly gimmicky (rose, squid ink, pumpkin spice, etc.) A not-so-lelgible chalkboard menu listing these items was found near the entranceway, while a small monitor revealed a slideshow of customer creations and potential pairings. The menu has even expanded to include Thai ice cream rolls, something that literally sends chills down my spine.
The Pizza Egg Waffle was presented in a small, white cardboard box bearing a black "Toast Delight" stamp. The concept was intended to be reminiscent of a pizza box. Inside laid a tomato-sauce, sausage, and pepperoni-covered burnt slab containing a minimal amount of cheese. The portion was so small that not even a cheese pull could be performed.
And the item was $10 by itself.
While utilizing egg waffle batter to form the base of the pizza had yielded a crispy foundation with a slightly sweet finish, the pockets of waffle were incapable of sustaining the applied load of the ingredients above, making for a difficult and disgraceful consumption process.
But more important was the fact that Wooffles had been able to deliver the same lovely roasted aroma as Tsujiri - not to the same intensity, but within a understandable range given its difference in price tag. The $4.50 cup rendered utmost satisfaction without the need to trek downtown nor spend the following days in the red.