I immediately recalled the Kimbap I had consumed earlier in the day, along with the fruit scone from Alchemy my favourite fangirl had so graciously provided me with. Neither had seemed unhygienic nor powerful enough to disrupt my sleep patterns, yet I was wide awake against my very will.
As soon as the clock struck 5 AM, I lethargically dragged myself to order something that would appease the queasiness. “GOT7 awaits me!!” An angry voice echoed within me. “Being well is not an option. I shall pull through. I must.”
- Bambam; "Say hi to Shabu Shabu!" while grabbing his hand with both of my own. This was met with no response. (I might add: his new silver hair looks phenomenal.)
- Yugyeom; I did not say anything and just hi-fived him.
- Jinyoung; "건강 하세요 제발" hands (roughly translates to “Be healthy, please”) while clasping his hand with my two hands. This was met with no response from what I can recall, though footage captured by members of the Audience reveal that he actually nodded in my direction. Whether he understood my poor pronunciation is another story altogether though.
- Youngjae; I mistakenly said "목소리 좋다" instead of "목소리 최고" while clasping his hand with my two hands. Again, there was no response. He merely continued smiling.
- JB; "Best leader Im Jaebum" while clasping his hand with my two hands. Similarly, there was no response.
- Mark: "Welcome Home!" followed by a brisk hi-five
- Jackson: "唔好再瘦啦!要身體健康” (roughly translates to: “Don't become any skinnier! Be healthy!"” in Cantonese), while clasping his hand with my two hands. He appeared beyond haggard and, again, gave me no response or return of expression. To me, he looked exhausted, undernourished, and much too thin for someone of his physique
With the conclusion of the Hi-Touch session, the session concluded with a group selfie (which KCON has yet to publish for our pleasurable viewing at the time of this writing).
Those that hadn’t been occupied with the previous Artist Engagement session were already spotted squatting in the general waiting area. Much to my dismay, I was already at the back of line.