But after AR, we had dinner at Koon Bo.
Now before I continue, I should clarify that I am one of those people that absolutely detest going out for dinner. And this is because I don't like what I refer to as "the commercial standard of food". This type of food is rendered overly flavourful to please the tastebuds of the general accustomed-to-dining-out public. Basically, since it doesn't quite agree with my sensitive digestive system that is used to processing the simple and comfortably bland flavours of home-cooking, I don't eat it.
But Koon Bo is a special case. It is one of the few restaurants that I really enjoy. No, I don't eat everything that my family orders, but unlike most restaurants, there's actual food that I can eat without feeling disgusted afterwards.
One of them being their most popular dish - Shredded Chicken.