After dragging myself up to get my hair cut by my fave Vancouver hairstylist (whom, must I add, is quickly losing points as she trimmed my bangs too short last time and thinned my hair out way too much this time *sigh*), I set out again to hunt down a red jacket for my Anime Revolution cosplay. Location of predation: Parker Place.
And as you may have guessed, I wasn't able to find one. Not even anything vaguely similar. And that was truly disappointing.
But what I did find was a little Asian clothing shop having a store-wide everything-for-$25 sale! Scored an adorable little lace and tulle dress there.
Later that night was my cousin's birthday dinner at Torarenbo. Among the 200+ photos I took, here are the best ones. (Though of course there were others I liked as well but for privacy reasons, they won't be posted here. And alright, I'll shut up now so you drool at the pictures in all their glory. Mwahahaha~)