Note: Unlike in the GTA, bus stops corresponding to opposite route directions are located on the same side of the intersection with a 100 m setback, instead of diagonally across with little to no setback from the traffic signals. (Ie. stops for east-west routes will either be placed on the east or west side of the intersection.)
With the completion of Aberdeen Square and its connecting tunnel to Aberdeen Centre, shopping has been made increasingly easier for the wealthy import beauty- and video game-obsessed wealthy Chinese immigrants that inhabit the upper floors of the building.
I was inclined to delve into a Green Tea Soft Serve as my afternoon snack, and thus headed in the direction of Mazazu Crepe. To my dismay, I was informed that the current week's flavour was Mango, and that Green Tea would not make its appearance until sometime next week.
Albeit the seemingly authentic stench, the pieces were Sahara dry and not overly flavourful either - in short, they were disappointing.
Second-last mission of the day: stopping by H-Mart in search of the infamous Honey Butter Chips and settling for Honey Tong Tong Chips instead. I also picked up two refrigerated canned beverages reminiscent of the disposable coffee cups featured on Eric x Solar's WGM segment last weekend.
It was observed that there were approximately five members of staff dedicated to beverage-making, one manager-like authority handling the cashier and taking call-in orders simultaneously, and another allocated for the wiping of beverages and order number-calling.
The space was quite narrow upon first glance, with only four bar seats and three smaller two-person tables near the counter. Taking a second gander, I realized there was a more lounge-worthy seating area set aside for study groups and laptop users.
My wait time is fairly short, especially considering that the manager is running his own one-man show, but I immediately realize that the stretch of customers behind has now accumulated out the door after finishing my order. To be honest, I don't believe Chatime is worth waiting over five minutes for, but I suppose this is the situation that arises with its sole location in Richmond.