In the absence of ube extract, I utilized pandan. In order to minimize the number of dishes, I turned towards my toaster oven instead of setting up the steamer. In the face of a constant stream of emails, I skipped the step of sieving the mixture before steaming. Lastly, in an attempt to re-purpose the remaining quantity of coconut milk from my Pandan Honeycomb Cake experiment, I converted the measurements from US to metric and scaled the ingredient amounts accordingly, admittedly hastily while rushing through the tutorial at 2x playback speed.
My sapin sapin was satisfying, but led to a tremendous amount of bloating afterwards. The treat is not particularly heavy, which can cause one to repeat ingestion while on a hunt for fullness. I would advise against this, and instead recommend sources of protein or soluble fibre for a sense of heartiness.
Lunch walks served the sole purpose of reinstating movement into my day, with the added bonuses of getting fresh air and acquiring data on any new happenings in the City.
I had previously expressed surprise at seeing the assortment of children's books for Lunar New Year, told from both Korean and Chinese backgrounds. Ten years ago, few knew of the existence of this cultural celebration. Yet, at present day now we are able to find related products in mainstream stores. A truly phenomenal revelation it was!
Instead of sending the order to the TTC commuter lot, which could have been disastrous given the vast range in the app's arrival times, I directed it to my carpooling partner's office instead, then urgently enlisted assistance in receiving the package.
Naturally, I responded that cravings were prevalent and needed to be satisfied. "Do you want some? I ordered with you in mind." I responded, readying my empty plastic container for portioning.
"No. I'm good."
"Are you sure??"
"It's just bread!" The box on my lap received a dirty stare. "It's literally just bread!"
I didn't bother to stifle my laughter, for the statement was true. It was, indeed, "just bread", but bread that I had been looking to revisit for a whole week. And curiosity does not go unanswered on my accord.
In consideration of my successful Chocolate Chiffon, I referenced Sheldo's Kitchen once more, this time swapping in expired matcha from O-Sulloc instead of cocoa powder. The total quantity of flour was not altered.
A $2.90 Honey Madeleine was also requested, as to fuel the skating session that would take place.
394 City Centre Drive was not a location supporting free parking. By the nearby Rabba, I managed to find street parking marked as "30 Mins Free". Working quickly, I dove into the Timmies before continuing with my next stop.
- White Hot Chocolate Matcha Latte: Vibrant and steaming, this tea-infused hot chocolate resided on the sweet side spectrum, but proved astoundingly cozy, ideal in a post-skating context. Mild grassiness could be perceived. Conclusively speaking, the latte was superior to that of Starbucks.
- Honey Cruller: A traditional pick that was not sampled by yours truly.
- Vanilla Matcha Croissant: Its mildly flaky texture was slightly better than that of Walmart croissants in bulk, though its filling was ridiculously sugary. The pastry was much too sweet for my liking.
- Chocolate Hazelnut Muffin: Despite not nearly as moist as the traditional Chocolate Chip Muffin, the dual profile was visually and gustatorily intriguing. The tender, oil-based crumb in Timmie's standard assortment is replaced with a denser, more gratifying texture. Given its excessively tacky interior, the muffin is great for Nutella lovers, but likely to be enjoyed less by those with bakery-style preferences.
- Chocolate Croissant: Although shaped like a pain au chocolat, the pastry was damp and possibly identical to that of Walmart - or even Costco - croissants in bulk. The interior bore a synthetic taste of chocolate reminiscent of Hershey's chocolate syrup instead of dark chocolate callets. A sugary sheen glazed its surface, while a sticky, shiny, and unmalleable chocolate drizzle provided additional sweetness. Much like the Vanilla Matcha Croissant, this pastry does not warrant repurchasing.