My last exam took place on Saturday at 9 AM, which meant that I'd need to arrive on campus at least twenty minutes prior. As the rest of my day was completely packed, I decided to park at Square One and retrieve the car later to continue with the rest of the day's activities. Initially, I had planned on returning home for a quick bit at some point during the day, but the events were scheduled quite closely and I didn't get a chance in the end.
After writing a horrid pass/fail exam (which I sincerely hope I did pass, as failing to do so would result in seeing my lovely (CAN YOU SENSE THE SARCASM?!) prof's face for another year...again.), I hopped onto the bus and headed over to Kariya Park.
The full Kariya Park Cosplay Picnic album can be viewed HERE.
Despite being a tad chilly, the weather was absolutely lovely. The drive down to Port Credit wasn't the swiftest process ever, but at least it was accompanied with a great deal of sunshine.
The small-scale gallery that had been posted to their Facebook page had seemed exceptionally appealing, especially the Marshmallow Thick Toast. I was prepared to order exactly that when one of the workers aggressively tried to persuade us to try the Coconut Toast by explaining that the Marshmallow version would be excessively sweet. I'm not sure why she was so opposed to the flavour, but regardless of the reason, I still felt a little taken back by her attitude. I mean, if an item is listed on your menu, then it should be available to be ordered by customers, right?
Both of us were tempted to try the Matcha Red Bean Milk Shake, but had wanted to choose different drinks to explore the options the menu had to offer. The Hazelnut Chocolate Milk Shake sounded interesting, so I inquired whether the drink was made from actual roasted hazelnuts and chocolate. To my disappointment, I was told that both flavours were just syrups. "But doesn't that contrast against your initial statement that you only utilize fresh ingredients in your drinks?!" was what I was thinking.
I still decided to go with the Hazelnut Chocolate Milk Shake in the end, though, for lack of other milk shake options.
The Hazelnut Chocolate Milk Shake was, unfortunately, even more bland than the Matcha; to put it simply, it tasted of nothing at all. It was like drinking artificially-coloured crushed ice.
One of workers brought over the Marshmallow Thick Toast some few minutes later. The toast was crisp without being overdone (looking at you, BR), and was composed of nine slightly toasted marshmallow resting on top of a thin layer of Nutella. The chocolate sauce drizzle also added a nice touch.
Truthfully, the toast wasn't near as sweet as the worker had emphasized it to be - it was perfectly the fine as is. Overall, the thick toast would have to be considered the best thing we ordered, though I would've preferred the marshmallows to be tad more melted so that they could be incorporated into the dish.
Karaoke was the last event of the day, followed by a late-night dinner at The Owl of Minerva.
I hadn't visited the Korean franchise in a number of years, and was slightly saddened by the fact that they no longer aired re-runs of K-Pop performances on their monitors. The shows had, instead, been replaced by a slideshow of their menu.