But the snooze time was appreciated - necessary, even. It promoted a period of relaxation otherwise unattainable throughout the work week.
A seemingly minor divergence from the previous editions, I took to the original butter-less formula then proceeded to incorporate 43 g of JIF Creamy. Results were extremely damp, with the top later wrinkly and sodden to the extent of resembling a PB-concentrated glaze. While delicious, the treat could not maintained mould-free at room temperature
To appease the anxieties instilled by a last-minute summoning for an in-office meeting, I zoomed off to Meet Fresh.
"Is it spicy?" I had warily inquired the cashier.
"No." He responded, "At least not for me."
His words evoked doubt, yet I wended anyway. The decision had been executed in absence of sound judgement.
Traversing northbound led me to the Leighland entrance, where I stumbled upon an outdoor dining setup similar to that of Square One. Bulb lights and lounge seating had been omitted, making for a generally fundamental layout atop faux greenery.