My original destination of Kortright - a name made familiar with while researching Maple Syrup Fest - was closed due to the pandemic, thus shifting the focus to other TRCA lands. Between the Nashville Conservation Reserve and Albion Hills Conservation Park, I settled on the latter out of consideration for its seemingly larger area of exploration.
Setting out from opposite ends of the GTA, we converged at a nearby McDonald's for a late lunch (which was really intended to be "just lunch", but delayed due to tardiness to which I own complete responsibility). A McChicken and Spicy Habanero Chicken (not mine, clearly) later, we began the twenty-minute-ish drive north.

Albion Hills Summer 2020 Trail Map |
Even at the early point of entry, our fate had been foretold.
Unluckily, I was unable to escape the path unscathed. Four blistering bites surfaced shortly afterwards, followed by three dark spots - the "near misses".
For the nature lover, the narrow bike trails may prove an exciting challenge. Heck, travelling at higher speeds may even spare you the bug bites.
Much to my relief, two washroom stalls were found near the back of the bubble tea shop. One had been labelled as "Employees Only", while the other was available for customer usage - at least, it was so assumed so in the absence of caution tape and cautionary signage. Public bathrooms are truly a luxury these days.