With the prevention of keeling over on the forefront, I requested a work-from-home chance the next day. Prior to settling into hermit mode though, I took advantage of an open slot for hair maintenance at Hair Bank. The salon was actually quite busy, resulting in a thirty-minute delay. This was the sole appointment that hadn't been punctually executed, however I will admit that I was in too dazed a state to be concerned about my return time.
Also inevitable was a stopover for Hodo Kwaja treats - the inevitable inventory restock had inevitably befallen. (Honestly, I'm pretty sure they know me by now.)
Chicken Roti Wraps - made mild since the house hot sauce is comburent beyond comprehension - were the default order of the party. And while I hadn't personally requested a platter, a portion was generously offered to me for the purpose of experimentation.
Trying roti was a first for me: the combination of potates, tender chicken, and, presumably, finely crushed lentils wasn't half bad. In spite of the gradually accumulating heat and oddly thick wrapper, the dish offered a sense of (cumin-laced) comfort.
I made a beeline for the washroom upon entry - a single stall situated near the cashier. Contrary to my suspicions, it was surprisingly clean with dramatic green Cintas installations (and hooks!).
Hair Bank did a splendid job of explaining the process in detail, while noting that the provided reference photos would require modifications to suit my hair thickness and texture.
Initially thinking that the quantity would bear no deviations from the wrapped version, one could imagine my alarm at unveiling a microscopic portion of Jerk Chicken with even tinier sides of cucumber and tomato salad. Also neglected was my request for zero spice: as tender as the fleshy bits were, nothing could mask the headache-inducing flames that were about to ignite my entire body.
Ought to be known is absolute absence of a spice tolerance, and the remote prospect of going carb-less ever again. The likelihood of Lena's again is low; scrumptious chicken aside, the shock was just unbearable.