But in a world where time is limited and desires are vast, and restrictions of three utterances per member is imposed during ten-second hi-touches, many of these thoughts are reluctantly suppressed. These unfulfilled objectives reverberate within the sheath of one's body, deflecting off the organs as would a 90s-inspired pinball machine, ultimately becoming words that carry on in one's mind. Mere words that may mean less than a grain of sand to anyone outside the fandom, but hold colossal connotation amongst the like-minded. I am referring to none other than the meaning of being an ahgase.
To be liberal in this expansive, indeterminate world.
To soar, as high as our wings will enable us and as far as our dreams extend.
To flutter and possibly falter, because hindrances are inevitable.
And to glide, once adequate strength has been mustered to rule out the negativities in our immediate vision.
We were bestowed a nest - a home to call our own
With entry unbound by season, economy, nor country.
It was nest that extended far and wide, wherever GOT7's music had penetrated.
Home Sweet Home
The spot where one commences the early stages of his or her life,
The place that encourages when spirits have been devastated,
And, lastly, the destination providing ultimate comfort when one wishes for nothing more than consolation.
Defined by family, integrity, and strength.
GOT7 taught us that there is no stronger force than a unified promise.
Questionable times demanding affirmation of our progress thus far.
When endless doubts swirl in our minds, it's perfectly acceptable to take a step back,
Taken not as a form of retreat, but rather a moment to re-collect and re-evaluate.
That striving for perfection is a given,
That slumps aren't uncommon,
That success will come to those whose hearts remain ablaze with passion, and finally that
If there is a will, there is a way.
Associated is the concept of light: a new day where darkness fades away, parting ways for a realm of opportunity.
Amidst the intensive brilliance, it's easy to dismiss our planet's natural satellite.
Visible both day and night, the Moon truly takes the lead when all has dimmed a solemn navy.
In a world where familiarity is shrouded by mystery, it directs an ethereal glow to those that gaze upon it, whether in question or in wistfulness.
Powerful and profound is this soft glimmer: a spotlight of encouragement that comes where and when needed most.