Might I add that one unfortunate specimen of a white shirt succumbed to this precise form of assault, never again revealing itself to be the same brilliant shade of white as it used to be. If the scene is difficult to fathom, just picture a cutting board slaughter scene reminiscent to the aftereffects of handling fresh beetroot.
Of course, the results were well worth the effort. My tried-and-true jam recipe has yielded more than one successful type of preserve with minimal manual labour.
The matcha white chocolate-covered macadamia nuts we received as souvenirs, on the other hand, were less gratifying. We could barely perceive a shred of grassiness from the super-sweet morsels
The neighbourhood's utter lack of complimentary parking had originally imposed no further intentions to revisit. However, Sundays and holidays were apparently park-for-free days. And with the number of residents away on end-of-summer travels, Lakeshore was lined with an abundance of spots.
We merely headed to McD's instead before calling it a day.