Our party wasn't particularly large, though the corner spot we were offered was possibly the dimmest and most cramped area to reside for the hour-long celebratory meal.
Amongst the entrées chosen, three were pasta-based, one was protein-heavy, and one a mix of both.
Much to my surprise, the penne was cooked to semi-firmness instead of the Italian standard of al dente. This property was later observed to be present in all pasta dishes, likely due to the aging population of the neighbourhood and the consequential demand for items to be easy on feeble teeth. (Even if this is not the case, I still appreciated the gesture from the kitchen. My digestive system is rather weak after all.)
Fettine ai Ferri was the sole dish where I did not attempt in its entirety. The rapini stalks tasted as if they had been submerged in oil for a while, so the resulting profile was more slick than savoury. I cannot comment any further on the dish besides that the arrangement of the veal and spaghettini could have used improvement.
Washrooms, on the other hand, were maintained well. The ratty curtain used to separate the stalls and the dining area, though, was another story.