Mapping out a route is fairly simple, as is meet-up logistics if all parties share common ground of transit systems. It's not uncommon of me to adopt the role of a lead/logistics planner for catch-up sessions, but this time around, life was made simple since this particular acquaintance was already very accustomed to travelling solo.
< Pictured below: Eva's Apple Pie Chimney Cone w/ Vegan Coconut Whip and various items from Momofuku >
Savoury options-wise, Union Summer had invited food vendors such as The Burger's Priest, Fresh Off The Boat, True True Pizza, Loaded Pierogi, and more. In all honesty, I had been itching to try True True for the longest time, but mozzarella had us steering clear of the stall for safety reasons.
The Chicken tacos turned out to lean towards spicy as opposed to mild, though they were seasoned well and largely succeeded in curbing hunger. The Mushroom proved to be a simpler, but tastier combination of flavours. However, neither warranted their four-dollar price tag due to portion size.
Even while the accessibility of the entrance can be improved, the steep set of stairs leading down towards the washrooms cannot. The individual washroom stalls are small spaces themselves, and the abrupt, uphill climb does not improve this situation. Other factors that could use improvement would be the doors, which were chipped from years of wear from the previous shop owner(s), and overall cleanliness of the stall. Dining level-wise though, all was pristine and comfortable.