I previously did a rather extensive haul on Korean beauty products back in September.
Walking around Pacific Mall, I also decided to include photos of the actual storefronts this time around.
Hidden in one of the dimly-lit aisles, this store is definitely not one you would want to miss out on when in search of products required for some major skin TLC!
That aside, I actually wanted to see if the Panda's Dream Cooling Eye Stick had come in yet. It hadn't, but I had to stock up on sheet masks anyways.
The sales assistants also happen to be the most helpful out of all the Korean cosmetic store attendants in the mall - not only are they actually polite, they actually show a willingness to help you find what you're looking for. (From a previous experience at The Face Shop where I inquired about the availability of a cream blush (as opposed to a powder one), the sales assistant simply walked away when she realized that The Face Shop didn't have any cream blushes and that she wasn't going to make a sale. Wow, rude much?)
Anyways, the girl at the cashier was generally pleasant to talk to and even gave me a Super Junior x Tony Moly calendar as a gift! (Henryyyyyyyyy~ XD)
Second Stop: MISSHA
Anyways, I bought a hair mist after testing it out on a few dry strands of hair and was outta there.
Fourth/Last Stop: HOLIKAHOLIKA
And so concludes Part 3!