Half-expecting it to be only somewhat milder than the termperatures experienced throughout the week, I headed out sporting only a cardigan layered underneath a sleeveless polyester zip-up vest. Clearly, I made the wrong decision by not checking The Weather Network prior.
This propelled a drop-in at trusty old Starbucks; I picked up a tongue-burning Maple Macchiato and Fruit & Oat Cookie, then took to some blogwork amidst other laptop/tablet users. For the most part, I was able to fully zone out until one girl decided it was a good idea to place all of her three bags onto the table and sit down next to me. Her crossbody bag was then dragged across the table, the clunky chain handle causing louder-the-life vibrations to resonate throughout. But I suppose that's irrelevant to what I'll be moving onto; it shall simply serve as a reminder that noise pollution in public working spaces is not welcomed.
"What are these?" I asked a middle-aged waitress.
"They're cold drinks." she replied.
At one point, I've wondered if stating obvious answers was all part of customer service training.
I further clarified, "I mean, what flavours are these?"
It seemed as if it finally hit her, as she said, "Ohhhh."
From left to right were: Grass Jelly Red Bean Ice, Coffee Ice, Pineapple Ice, and Ice Cream Red Bean Ice. I decided to order an Ice Cream Red Bean Ice, even though the Afternoon Tea Combo did not apply for orders processed during lunchtime. It was a good thing that I did - the drink was marvelous. Topped with a smooth scoop of vanilla ice cream was a mix of fine ice chunks and partially ground red beans. It packed in a wonderful red bean flavour, along with a generous amount of sweet, crunchy ice flakes in milk.
Business had boomed since our last visit, and a decent lineup had already formed when we arrived. On the bright side, the innovative entrepreneur duo had decided to add one more member of staff to their team to speed up operations.
We were initially informed after ordering that our wait time would be approximately fifteen minutes, though both items were delivered in half that estimate.
Cookies 'n' Cream - one of their Specialty Wooffles containing a mix of chopped Oreos and chocolate chips - was also purchased, but sans-soft serve.
The soft serve, from what I can recall, was actually even smoother and delectable than before! As if it wasn't already a seriously amazing product, the recipe's been improved for enhanced taste and texture.
Another aspect that has undergone minor modifications is their egg waffle batter. The formula is thinner than previously used, but not discernibly so. The updated mixture allows for even crispier egg waffles than before, while maintaining the same soft, fluffy interior to encompass the fillings of choice. It didn't quite hold up in crispiness as well as the Crushed Peanuts version, though. But in terms of production rate, a thinner batter yields a swifter cooking rate and faster delivery to customers.
Nonetheless, their egg waffles never fail to satisfy my cravings. The newly-released Bacon 'n' Cheese exuded a cheesy aroma accompanied by bits of crunchy bacon, while Cookies 'n' Cream provided a sweet finish with chocolate chips embedded inside the bubbles.
Next to try on my list is the Salt 'n' Pepper!
Now if only they used something other than Instagram to post about their most recent updates...
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