Seriously, it felt like forever since I've had a weekend where I didn't have to worry about forgetting to finish something in time for the next week. *sigh of relief*
Well, technically, I still have work to do, with the majority of it being put towards catching up on three weeks-worth of structural statics and mechanics lessons...OH BOY.
But anyways, since the class lucked out of not having to attend a lab (due to a pipe bursting and flooding the lab area/room), I officially started my Reading Week on Thursday night.
Man Doo Hyang (만두향 ) it was! ^ ^
I happened to really be craving multigrain rice, while my mom wanted the beef bone soup. However, we all decided that it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to try out some of the other items on the menu.
In contrast, I really liked the grilled mackerel and seafood noodle pot - the mackerel was crispy, while the homemade noodles in the seafood broth had a much better texture than the normal store-bought ones.
I also ordered makkoli (막걸리) out of pure curiosity, and had expected it to taste milky and creamy just as its appearance.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case though; it was more along the lines of a beer with a decidedly sour punch - not quite to my liking.
We didn't end up finishing our little pot of makkoli, causing the shop owner to gasp and glare at us in disgust when a three quarter-full pot still remained as we got up to leave. (Aha XD)
The following day was probably the most pleasurable Fridays I have ever spent outside the perimeter of my house in over a month. (Sad, I know)
After waking up decently early to get to an orthodontist checkup, I decided to explore Square One for a few hours. I hadn't been planning to buy much, but the 50-70% off sales were extremely alluring to a materialistic property-deprived uni student. (A haul may be inserted here at a later date if I choose to create one).
I first spotted this KitKat bar being sold at Wal-Mart for Chinese New Year. While it's true that mandarins are commonly seen as Chinese New Year decorations, I'm not sure how I feel about orange-flavoured KitKats... ^ ^;
Square One has been undergoing renovations since last summer (and upon it's completion, an extension including Forever 21 will have been included!!). Among the amazing new "Urban Eatery" food court and greater variety of new stores, Microsoft also opened in the neighbouring slot to Victoria's Secret.
Starbucks seemed like a good place to wrap up my 3-hour shopping trip, so it was added to the to-go list after a quick Target run. It involved a Green Tea Frappucino and a blueberry scone =)
Starbucks drinks ARE really pricey, which is why I jump for joy every time my parents inform me that they're received coupons in the mail and don't mind giving them to me to use.
One the coupons in the set allowed for an iced or hot coffee + muffin deal for $3. However, I wanted a nice, cool Frappucino instead an iced coffee and asked if I could use the coupon and pay the remaining add-on costs as required. The barista appeared troubled at first, saying that I couldn't really do that since a Frappucino was more expensive than a regular iced coffee. However, he quickly changed his mind and said "Well, this doesn't usually work, but I can make it happen" with a smile.
This was honestly the highlight of my day and I can't thank him enough! The bill total came to only $3.15! (A tall Frappucino would have normally cost me $3.95, and the scone would have been $1.95, totalling around $7 at regular price! Talk about an AMAZING deal! XD)
After a hotpot Valentine's Day dinner, I met up with one of my closest friend at a coffee shop (*tries to resist the urge to link but eventually succumbs to fangirl mentality*). We completely lost track of time and before we knew it, the shop was closing. Actually, all the stores in the plaza were closing up for night.
Alarmed that LCBO was also closing as we walked out of the shop, I sprinted inside just as the staff were closing and made my first alcohol purchase since becoming legal XD
Check out Part 2 of my Reading Week! (^ ω ^ )