But hey, my second uncle and aunt were taking all of us (including my grandparents) to a huge sushi dinner that night so I didn't really mind it all that much.
The sushi place was in downtown Vancouver. Now I personally thought that this was just going to be some casual farewell dinner (for me), but my aunt turned up in a new shift dress just as I was walking through the door. My grandmother also appeared in a nice top that my mom had bought her recently. Coming from work, my uncle was also in proper business attire. Boy did I feel out of place in a standard long-sleeve and jeans. Then again, my grandfather wasn't dressed any fancier than he would have dressed normally, so I felt a bit better seeing that.
Clothing choices aside, we arrived at Kamei Royale around 5:45 PM. (Side note: I don't usually eat dinner until 7 or 8 PM but I wanted to sleep early that night. Going over the menu though, we didn't even end up eating until 7 anyway.)
I knew that it'd be a pretty class place, but I was immediately amazed to discover that the plastic food samples in the display window also happened to look rather classy.
Since I prefer photos to text, I'll let the wondrous things pictured above do the talking.
But there's one I have to add to this post before finishing it off. And that is this: