My browsing partner showed up on time, hands placed on waist while I scurried about the house, gazing upon me with a knowing look. "You're late."
"Ahhhh!!" I hastily grabbed chargers I had forgotten to pack, then bid farewell to Larry, Mr. Buttons, and Mini Sulley.
Many other fliers experienced similar frustrations with empty water bottles, artwork wrapped in layers of bubble wrap, and small electronics. After finally being permitted to take back my belongings, I ran back to the domestic gates, arriving just in time for boarding.
Before long, we'd cross over the mountainous terrain of British Columbia. The flight had departed on time and arrived on time with minimal turbulence. Frankly, it was probably one of the least stressful flights to date - baggage assistance and smiles from neighbours also contributed greatly to the experience.
Aside from quicker boarding, a dedicated overhead bin section, and more spacious seating, the Premium Economy tier also enabled Priority Check-In. This would translate to retrieving one's luggage sooner, allowing for greater schedule flexibility.
The first was finding Paragon Tea Room and their exclusive ice cream float. Social media had confirmed the location to be within the "domestic terminal, before security". With four pieces of luggage in tow, the elevator was summoned to facilitate my journey to the ground floor.
Past the baggage drop was a new food hall, into which Japadog and Paragon had been introduced. The latter was connected to its adjacent souvenir shop and seemingly newer, given that it still bore the name of the previous occupant on its storefront name.
I took to sampling the Matcha and Earl Grey, though it was difficult to differentiate between the profile of the ice cream and the wooden properties of tongue depressor-like wooden spoon. The Matcha rendition exuded grassiness, though the Earl Grey was, simply put, woody without any discernible traits of tea.
"Do you know how to get back?" she expressed with concern, as we both looked outside at the ongoing downpour.
"Yes, I think I'll manage!" I responded gratefully.
Over the course of the seven-minute drive, I learned that he was a realtor from Surrey, but often undertook short trips in Richmond. Needless to say, it was doubly beneficial when he was conducting showings for clients in the area anyway.