In dire need of caffeine, I took to the first flavour as a mid-day pick-me-up.
I'd finally present my concert buddy with a package of Thai Tea Leaves from Patchmon's, after she had driven away while assuming my early slumber.
Next up would be Canada Post for package drop-off. The Yonge/Dundas Square location boasted a new drop-off portal to facilitate customer flow.
Consistent with Amazon's new QR code return approach, "full-service" Canada Post offices would also be able to prepare packages for dispatch on site. I decided against running the risk of additional charges for a cardboard box and packing tape, thus opted to prepare the box at home and strictly request printing the pre-paid shipping label.
Breezier conditions and earlier sunsets would make for an even cooler environment for exercise. By 8 PM, the sky had darkened completely, filling the air with a nice gustiness despite the overall warmer temperature reading.
A higher number of participants was observed to attend this session, mostly families with young children in tow. Those under the age of ten were clearly uninterested in the event and hovered about the field and around the library entrance entertaining themselves instead. The parents kept a watchful eye over their children and prevented them from running into the moving space of others, which I greatly appreciated.
As opposed to a mere cooldown, a proper stretch would be conducted this time around.